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Daytime phone864-617-2335
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Amy and David Raycroft are truly two people brought together by common grounds. Both having majored in Graphic Design in college and both sharing a passion for stunning imagery and things that "catch the eye"... These things combined with their love of life makes for an excellent combination for what they do. What do they do? Well, a few minutes on their site and their Blog will give you an idea. But In short they go for a striking perspective on your wedding day, family or whatever your needs are for capturing a special occasion in your life. Amy and David have been married for 13 wonderful years now and have two beautiful children. Through this they have strengthened their ability to work as a team towards any goal and made that the foundation of everything they do. Individually, their personalities and presence can put a smile on your face. Bring them together and it's a magnification of wit, charm and a desire to please.

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